Director of Inclusion, Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust

Jen is the Director of Inclusion for the Stowe Valley Multi Academy Trust. Before this post she was a Primary School Head teacher in Warwickshire. Early on in her career, Jen taught in Finland where her interest in communication and interaction started.
Teaching 30 children who do not speak the same language made her think of interesting and innovative ways to communicate! This then sparked her passion and interest in working with pupils and young people who find communication a challenge, and she soon started down the path of becoming a SENDCo.
She is passionate about inclusion within mainstream schools. During her headship, Jen developed a culture and ethos of inclusion for all and worked closely with the LA and specialist provisions to open a Resource Provision within her mainstream school. She is an advocate for inclusion on all levels, something she feels strongly about, and something she is keen to move forward, not only locally but more widely.
Schools are a diverse community, and it is vital to the development of that community that everyone embraces every person who is in it. Jen believes strongly in the power of education, whether that be on a school’s level, or more broadly in society, to teach people about more inclusive practices and mindsets.